NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom

Meet Virtue, another KrazyTong custom......Like Green Frame, this kit was treated with green as its mean accent color. Unlike Green Frame, this kit was, I think, heavily modded on my standard.

Jump on to check the details of this kit.

This kit was initially a part of a group build, but because of some heavy mods and due to some household repairs at home, this kit took some more extra months to complete and therefore missing the group build's deadline.

Let me walk you through the kit.......Keep in mind that this kit is a Virtue only kit, meaning the Nadleeh inside this kit is non-existent. Basically, I am making this kit asymmetrical, the left and right shoulder and legs are a little bit different from one another.

First up is the upper portion, see the difference on the two shoulders.....
NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong CustomNG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom

Some more details on the arms and front skirt....
NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong CustomNG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom

The butt back skirt, added some pla-plates for details.....some more panel lining and decals....
NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong CustomNG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom

Legs...On the right leg, I've added "0511" decals, it signifies May 11, my brothers birthdate.....also you can see the difference on the two legs, one his more green-er than other...
NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong CustomNG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom

On the weapons, Virtue's main weapon is it's GN Cannon, the stock kit has only 2 cannons attached on it's backpack, since I have another kit as spare, I've decided to attach the other two....Here's how they look....
NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong CustomNG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom
CRAB CANNONs. Just playing around, detaching the head, arms and legs of Virtue, and lay flat on its stomach. 

Here's the GN Mini Bazooka, hehehehe....Added some scratch built parts on a 1/144 Seravee bazooka....and Mini Bazooka for Virtue
NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong CustomNG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom

This is the GN Bazooka Mobile Armor Tank. I used the spare's bazooka too and doubled up the bazooka count and use the spare's backpack too mount the two bazookas whenever they are not in use. It will also serve as a Mobile armor tank, so it can move freely on it's own until Virtue calls upon it.
NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong CustomNG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom
NG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong CustomNG 1/100 Gundam Virtue KrazyTong Custom

Here's another shot with Virtue holding up the two GN Bazookas....

So once again head to the gallery page to see more photos :)
Thanks for reading, leave comments if you feel like you want to.......Until my next post......
